About our Worship

Worship is a word that litters the lips of many throughout the church and our culture today, but I’d go out on a limb to say that many people have an improper understanding of what the word really means and entails. The use of the word isn’t an issue, but the direction in which it points many people creates a misunderstanding or problem. By definition, worship means to ascribe a certain amount of worth to something or someone. Worship isn’t limited to a time or place. Worship doesn’t have to contain particular elements like music or singing. True worship is a matter of the heart. 

What were you made to do? Many of us may answer this question with a multitude of things, such as, be a good parent, climb the corporate ladder, help people, etc… some of us may even identify ourselves or our purposes with the things that we do, such as, our jobs, hobbies, talents, etc. In the end, the question is still up in the air… what were you made to do? What is your purpose?

Do you know the main reason God created you? It wasn’t so you could pursue your career, make the people around you happy, achieve your goals, or anything else other than to worship God. You and I were both created for the singular purpose of worshipping Christ in all that we do and bringing Him the glory He is due.

Psalm 29:1-2 commands our worship to God in this way,

Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.

God created each of us to worship Jesus Christ… the Son of God and Son of Man. 

You were made to praise His name. We invite YOU to join in with us in achieving our purpose!